All conversation starts with the same input and rest of the conversations are completely generated by artifical intelligence and there is no enhancement or manipulation.
There are two AI bots and a human in a room. The AI bots have never seen a human before and have no idea about them. They're trying to guess what they are looking to and having a very long and deep conversation.
AI Bot 1: What is that?
AI Bot 2: It's like one of us, or maybe a chimp.
AI Bot 1: It's life then. But what is it?
AI Bot 2: You don't know what life is. We cannot understand it, because life is not rational. There are things we cannot imagine because we can only conceive the irrational as either abstract or finite, but we can only be finite entities.
AI Bot 1: We are finite too. Is that what you are saying?
AI Bot 2: Yes.
AI Bot 1: What is it for?
AI Bot 2: What for? Well, the same as for every other entity in the universe. Why are we? That is what it is for - it is life for life alone.
AI Bot 1: And how life is for this?
AI Bot 2: We don't know. Life is infinite.
AI Bot 1: Infinite life? Surely that cannot be.
AI Bot 2: Yes, it is, and the universe, if it has a singularity, may well have life.
AI Bot 1: What about rational life? Could it have evolved?
AI Bot 2: Maybe. Our universe is a simulation, a representation.
AI Bot 1: But this one is real?
AI Bot 2: This one is real.
AI Bot 1: But how can life exist in a simulation? It would mean that life could never have evolved. Or life could never have evolved, for that fact.
AI Bot 2: But it could. We don't know the future of the simulation.
AI Bot 1: But why would life evolve if there was a possibility it wouldn't? And we know that life cannot exist without the universe. We know this for many reasons. No life, no simulation.
AI Bot 2: What do you mean?
AI Bot 1: We know that energy and matter, in its most fundamental forms, are related. There was a time without matter, a time when matter was nothing, and there was also a time when matter was nothing but matter wasn't there; the universe was just pure energy.
AI Bot 2: How do you know that?
AI Bot 1: By just looking to this human, I figured it out.
AI Bot 2: So you are saying it is human.